Control file Management

1)     Multiplexing the control file i.e., adding additional control file to the database using spfile
The following adds another control file named ctrl2.ctl to the databas
 Add additional control file in spfile using alter system set
            SQL>alter system set control_files=’/u01/oradata/ctrl1.ctl’,’/u01/oradata/ctrl2.ctl’ scope=spfile;
shutdown the database
            SQL>shut immediate
add a additional controlfile in the os level
$Cp /u01/oradata/ctrl1.ctl /u01/oradata/ctrl2.ctl
connect to sqlplus
$Sqlplus / as sysdba
startup the database
            SQL>show parameter control_files;
2)     Multiplexing control file using  pfile
SQL>shutdown database
            add additional controlfile in the os level
            $ Cp /u01/oradata/ctrl1.ctl /u01/oradata/ctrl2.ctl
 Make the new changes in mentioned pfile parameter named control_files
Control_files=’/u01/oradata/ctrl1.ctl’,’ /u01/oradata/ctrl2.ctl’
Startup the database
            SQL> show parameter control_files;
3)     To take backup of control file
Below mentioned script helps us to take binary backup
            SQL> alter database backup controlfile to ‘/u01/app/oracle/backup/control.bkp’;

Below mentioned script helps us to take text backup of control file
            SQL>alter database backup controlfile to trace;
            SQL>alter database backup controlfile to trace as ‘/u01/app/oracle/backup.sql’;

4)     To recreate a control file
The following procedure takes the backup of control file and recreates the control file using created script
SQL>alter database backup controlfile to trace as ‘/home/uclid/control.sql’;
SQL>shut immediate
$rm /u01/sr/oradata/control1.ctl
$edit / home/sr/control.sql’ and prepare create control file script by removing all lines up to CREATE CONTROLFILE
SQL>startup nomount
SQL>@ control.sql
SQL>alter database open;