What is srvctl?
It is the Server Control Utility, we use SRVCTL to start and stop the database and instances, manage configuration information, and to add, move or remove instances and services.
These are some of the srvctl commands I frequently use, this is not a complete reference guide.
I organized the commands as follow:
To start a rac database
To stop a rac database
To check status and configurations
To start and stop instances
To start, stop and manage services
Start a rac database (order: nodeapps – asm – database)
srvctl start nodeapps -n nodename
srvctl start asm -n nodename
srvctl start database -d dbname
[options are: srvctl start database -d dbname -o open | -o mount | -o nomount]
Stop a rac database (order: database – asm – nodeapps)
srvctl stop database -d dbname -o immediateoptions are: srvctl stop database -d dbname -o normal | -o transactional | -o immediate | -o abort
srvctl stop asm -n nodename
options are: srvctl stop asm -n nodename -o immediate
srvctl stop nodeapps -n nodename
To check status and configurations
Nodeapps:srvctl status nodeapps -n nodename
srvctl config nodeapps -n nodename
srvctl status asm -n nodenamesrvctl config asm -n nodename
srvctl status database -d dbnamesrvctl config database -d dbname (shows instances name, node and oracle home)
srvctl status instance -d dbname -i instancenameServices:
srvctl status service -d dbname
To start and stop instances
srvctl start instance -d dbname -i instancenamesrvctl stop instance -d dbname -i instancename
To create services
srvctl add service -s servicename -r preferrednode -a availablenode -d dbname -P BASIC -e SELECT -z 180 -w 5 -B NONETo start, stop and manage services
srvctl status service -d dbname
srvctl config service -d dbname
srvctl start service -d dbname -s servicename
srvctl stop service -d dbname -s servicename
srvctl relocate service -d dbname -s servicename -i currentinstancename -t newinstancename [-f]