User Administration

1)     To create oracle user account in the database
The following creates user named Pavan
SQL>create user Pavan identified by Pavan default tablespace users default temporary tablespace temp quota unlimited on users;
2)     To change the password of the oracle user
The following changes the password of Pavan user to Kumar from Pavan
SQL>alter user Pavan identified by Kumar;
3)     To lock the user account
SQL>alter user Pavan account lock;
4)     To unlock the user account
SQL>alter user Pavan account unlock;
5)     To expire account password
SQL>alter user Pavan password expire;
6)     To drop the oracle user account that contains no objects
SQL>drop user Pavan;
7)     To drop the oracle user account that contains objects
SQL>drop user Pavan cascade;
8)     To check the default tablespace, temporary tablespace and account status of the oracle user
SQL>select username, account_status, default_tablespace, temporary_tablespace from dba_users where username=’PAVAN’;
9)     To assign quota on tablespace to oracle user while creating user itself

The following creates user named Pavan with quota 15m on users tablespace
SQL>create user Pavan identified by Pavan quota 15m on users;
10)  To assign quota on tablespace after creation of oracle user
SQL>alter user Pavan quota unlimited on users;
11)  To check the quotas on tablespaces for oracle user
SQL>select username, tablespace_name, max_bytes from dba_ts_quotas where username=’PAVAN’;
12)  To grant system privilege to oracle user account
SQL>grant create session to Pavan;
13)  To grant system privilege to oracle user account with administrative privilege
SQL>grant create table to Pavan with admin option;
14)  To grant object privilege to oracle user account
SQL>connect Scott/tiger
SCOTT>grant update on emp to Pavan;
15)  To grant object privilege to oracle user account with administrative privilege
SQL>connect Scott/tiger
SCOTT>grant select on dept to Pavan with grant option;
16)  To revoke system privilege from oracle user account
SQL>revoke create session, create table from Pavan;
17)  To revoke object privilege from oracle user account
SQL>connect Scott/tiger;
SCOTT>revoke update on emp, select on dept from Pavan;
18)  To check  what privileges that oracle user has
SQL>connect Pavan/Kumar
Pavan>select * from session_privs;
19)  To check all system privileges
SQL>select privilege from dba_sys_privs;
20)  To check all object privileges
SQL>select privilege from dba_tab_privs;
21)  To create a role
The following creates a role named r1
SQL>create role r1;
22)  To assign privileges to role r1
SQL>grant create session, create table, create tablespace to r1;

23)  To assign roles to oracle user with and without administrative privilege
SQL>grant r1 to Pavan;
SQL>grant r1 to Pavan with admin option;
24)  To assign default role to oracle user
SQL>alter user Pavan default role r1;
25)  To assign default role as none to oracle user
SQL>alter user Pavan default role none;
26)  To enable a non default role r1
SQL>set role r1;
27)  To revoke a role from oracle user
SQL>revoke r1 from Pavan;
28)  To drop a role
SQL>drop role r1;
29)  To create a profile
The following creates a profile named prf_1 containing named set of password limits such as failed login attempts, password lifetime, password reuse time, password verify function etc.,
SQL>create profile prf_1 limit
Failed_login_attempts 3
Password_lock_time unlimited
Password_life_time 30
Password_reuse_time 30
Password_verify_function verify_function_11g
Password_grace_time 5;

30)  To enforce resource limits using profiles
Set resource_limit parameter to TRUE
SQL>alter system set resource_limit=true scope=both;
SQL>create profile prf_resource limit
Cpu_per_session 10000
Idle_time 60
Connect_time 480;

31)  To alter an existing profile

SQL>alter profile prf_1 limit
Failed_login_attempts 2
Password_life_time 60
Password_verify_function null;

32)  To assign a profile to oracle user
SQL>alter user Pavan profile prf_1;
33)  To drop an unassigned profile
SQL>drop profile prf_resource;
34)  To drop an assigned profile
SQL>drop profile prf_1 cascade;